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Performance Audit Services

RankSecure’s performance audit services evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and overall performance of your organisation’s IT systems, processes, or projects. The aim is to determine whether your existing IT resources are being utilised optimally, goals and objectives are being met, and if there are any areas for improvement.

Maximise the efficiency of your systems and processes with RankSecure’s Performance Audit services

Performance audits can help you improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your IT systems and optimise the performance of your IT operations.

RankSecure provides overall performance audit services that include:

Assessment of IT Operations

Our audit team conducts a thorough examination of the day-to-day IT operations in your company, including IT service management processes, incident and problem management, change management, and service level agreements. This helps in identifying areas for improvement in terms of efficiency, responsiveness, and customer satisfaction.

Analysis of System Performance

RankSecure’s team is skilled at examining the performance of specific IT systems or applications to identify obstacles, resource constraints, or other issues that may affect their speed, responsiveness, or availability. This involves analysing performance metrics, conducting load testing, and reviewing system logs.

Compliance Review

Our certified professionals are uniquely qualified to verify the compliance of your organisation’s operational controls with relevant laws, regulations, industry standards, and internal policies. This may involve assessing data protection measures, information security controls, software licensing, and adherence to IT-related regulations.

Our methodical approach towards performance auditing - evaluating, analysing, and enhancing your organisation’s IT operations

RankSecure’s expert auditors follow a structured process to deliver quality IT audit services.

Defining Audit Objectives

The first step in the process is determining the goals of the audit, and identifying its scope. This includes listing the specific areas, devices, systems, processes, and projects to be assessed.


Our professionals then develop an audit plan that outlines the timeline, resources, and methodologies to be employed. This plan includes details on data collection methods, sampling techniques, and the criteria against which performance will be assessed.

Gathering & Analysing Data

We collect relevant data and information pertaining to the IT systems, processes, and operations under review, which includes acquiring documentation, conducting interviews with key personnel, and analysing performance metrics and reports. We then analyse the gathered data to identify trends, patterns, and areas of concern. Our expert auditors use statistical analysis techniques, performance benchmarks, and comparison against established standards or best practices to assess performance levels.


The next step is to conduct an in-depth evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the IT systems, processes, and operations against the defined objectives. Our team assesses the utilisation of IT resources, the achievement of desired outcomes, and their alignment with organisational goals.

Analysing & Reporting

Once the audit is complete, we consolidate our findings into a document where we highlight the inconsistencies, inefficiencies, potential vulnerabilities, compliance gaps, opportunities for optimisation and cost savings. We organise our results based on their severity and then compile all of this information into a comprehensive report that summarises the audit process, our observations, and recommendations.

Follow-Up and Remediation

We then discuss our findings, recommendations, and proposed actions for improving your organisation’s performance management strategy, and advise the best way to move forward. Our approach also includes monitoring the implementation of recommended actions and tracking the progress in addressing identified shortcomings.

RankSecure’s Performance Audit services help in improving the functionality of your IT assets & operations

Conducting regular performance audits is a practice that helps you in enhancing your organisation’s operational efficiency and build a stronger reputation. Our audits help in:

Risk identification
and mitigation
Protecting Sensitive
Improving operational
Building trust and
confidence among
Keeping your security
posture up-to-date
Ensuring regulatory
compliance to avoid
high fines


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Explore other types of IT audit services offered by RankSecure

At RankSecure, we offer a range of IT audit services that go beyond just performance assessment. Our team of experienced cybersecurity professionals can help you examine various aspects of your digital ecosystem.

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