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Comply with the New Data Privacy Law - DPDP Act, 2023

India’s new Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) of 2023 has introduced a complex framework for data privacy compliance. With RankSecure’s comprehensive resources, you can easily navigate across the intricacies of complying with the DPDP Act, protecting your organisation against high penalties and reputational damage.

Comprehensive Expertise

We have gathered a deep understanding of the DPDP Act, that enables us to guide organisations of all sizes through the compliance process.

Practical Solutions

At RankSecure, we go beyond theory. We offer actionable steps and tools to help your organisation prepare for the implementation of the DPDP Act promptly.

Tailored Compliance Framework

We have gathered a deep understanding of the DPDP Act, that enables us to guide organisations of all sizes through the compliance process.

Why Is Compliance with the DPDP Act a Necessity?

For organisations operating in India and for enterprises collecting or processing the personal data of Indian citizens, it is mandatory to comply with the Digital Personal Data Protection laws.
Avoid Penalties and Legal Actions
Non-compliance with the DPDP Act can result in severe penalties, including fines of up to ₹250 crores. This can destabilise your organisation’s financial standing and even result in legal disputes and lawsuits.
Maintaining Trust and Reputation
In today’s data-driven world, individuals are increasingly concerned about the privacy of their personal information. Non-compliance with data privacy regulations can disrupt public trust and damage your organisation’s reputation.
Improving Data Security and Governance
The DPDP Act mandates robust data security measures to protect personal data from unauthorised access, misuse, and breaches. Failure to comply can have significant financial and reputational consequences.
Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Compliance Culture
Implementing a comprehensive DPDP compliance program can lead to improved data governance and enhanced operational efficiency. This can help you streamline your organisation’s data handling processes, reduce risk, and gain a competitive advantage.
Your One-Stop Solution to Achieving Compliance With the DPDP Act
We understand that complying with new laws and regulations can be a time-consuming process. To help you streamline this process and ensure seamless compliance, we offer a comprehensive suite of DPDP compliance solutions tailored to your organisation’s unique needs and challenges.
Providing data security training and awareness
Conducting Data Privacy Risk Assessments
Implementing technical safeguards

See What’s Inside

In the mayhem of unclear information surrounding the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, it is easy to lose sight of the particulars relevant to your organisation. Our comprehensive guide has been crafted to walk you through the details of the DPDP Act and its implementation.

This includes:
An overview of the Act, its key objectives, and provisions.
Actionable steps for you to assess your organisation’s current compliance status with the DPDP Act.
Solutions to help you prepare for the implementation phase.
Up-to-date information regarding the DPDP Act to ensure your compliance framework remains current and effective.

Future-Proof Your Organisation’s Data Privacy Compliance Framework with RankSecure

With the introduction of new and advanced technologies, data privacy regulations are bound to change. In order to ensure that you stay ahead of potential fines and regulatory breaches, RankSecure offers a robust, customised DPDP compliance framework for your organisation.
We follow a five-step approach to help prepare your organisation for DPDP compliance

Audit & Gap Analysis

We first identify the types of personal data your organisation collects, and how it is stored, processed, and shared. Then, we assess your existing data privacy policies, data retention policies, and incident response procedures for compliance with DPDP. This enables us to analyse the potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with your data handling practices.

Developing a Tailored Compliance Strategy

Our experts work with you to define the scope of compliance and the timeframe for implementation, and we select a suitable framework to guide the implementation process – such as the NIST Privacy Framework or ISO 27001.


We then follow through with the execution of the DPDP compliance framework which involves creating or revising policies and procedures for data collection, storage, access, deletion, and breach notification. We also help you deploy automated tools to facilitate ease in the process, and provide training to all employees on data privacy best practices and their roles in DPDP compliance.

Monitoring & Adaptation

Our advanced solutions integrate effortlessly with your existing architecture, and help you automate continuous monitoring of your compliance status and update your framework as needed. RankSecure’s experts assist with the setup, training, and maintenance of all solutions, ensuring seamless operation for your team without professional intervention.

Ongoing Support & Guidance

We follow through with all-round post-implementation support and guidance. As the specific requirements under the DPDP law are released, we’ll offer our team’s expertise to help you navigate and adapt to the regulations specific to your organisation.
Fill out this form to download your DPDP Compliance Guide for free.